12. Decembar 2024.

Opština Ulcinj jedan je od partnera na projektu GIFTSnet - Network for Green and Inclusive Fortified Tourism Solutions u sklopu Programa prekogranične suradnje Interreg IPA Hrvatska - Bosna i Hercegovina - Crna Gora 2021. - 2027. Projekat je danas konferencijom za medije zvanično predstavljen u Ulcinju u prisustvu svih projektnih partnera. 

Kroz projekat GIFTSnet, čija je ukupna vrijednost više od 2,2 miliona eura, od čega 292.698,00 eura dolazi Opštini Ulcinj, ostvarujemo važnu prekograničnu saradnju. Ovaj projekat donosi razmjenu iskustava i znanja među partnerima iz različitih država i institucija, a posebno sam zadovoljan time što će u našoj opštini doprineti unapređenju kulturno-turističke ponude.“ izjavio je podpredsjednik Opštine  Ulcinj, Petar Delić. 

GIFTSnet projekat za Opstinu Ulcinj, realizovaće se na arheolosko-istorisjkom kompleksu i kulturnom dobru „Srednjevjekovnog grada Shas”. Investicija za ovaj lokalitet je 170.000,00 eura, čime će se urediti staze, postaviti klupe i kante za otpatke. Zatim ćemo imati i radionice sa djecom, kao i specijalizovane ture za marginalizovane grupe i posjete novinara. Manifestacija Noć tvrđava “Goes Green” za 2025. i 2026. godinu, za Opštinu Ulcinj i lokalitet Shas imaju poseban značaj, jer će podsticati održivi razvoj te doprinjeti očuvanju ovog značajnog arheološkog lokaliteta. 

Implementacija projekta započela je u Ulcinju 9. i 10. decembra 2024. godine održavanjem Kick off sastanka i konferencije u hotelu Palata Venezia, gdje su se okupili projektni partneri kako bi se postavili čvrsti temelji za daljnji rad na projektu. Pored domaćina, događaju su prisustvovali vodeći partner iz Hrvatske - Javnaustanova Tvrđava kulture Šibenik, te Grad Karlovac, zatim Javnaustanova Matični muzej Hercegovine Trebinje i Grad Banja Luka izBosne i Hercegovine, kao i Opština Bar iz Crne Gore.


U projektnom kick off sastanku učestvovali su i potencijalnisaradnici u realizaciji aktivnosti Noći tvrđava, predstavniciSekretariata za kulturu I Centra za kulturu Opštine Ulcinj.

Projekat GIFTSnet odabran je među samo pet finansiranih od ukupno 56 prijavljenih projekata u okviru specifičnog cilja cilja 4.6. Turizam i kultura u 1. pozivu Interreg IPA Programa. 

Za Tvrđavu kulture Šibenik, projekat GIFTSnet posebno je značajan - kao do sada najveći odobreni projekat u kojem je ustanova vodeći partner. Projekat će podsticati održivi i inkluzivni razvoj kulturnog turizma kroz zelena ulaganja u Šibeniku, Karlovcu, Banjoj Luci, Trebinju, Baru i Ulcinju, te uspostavljanje prekogranične mreže aktera kulturnog turizma. Pokreće se i inicijativa „Night of Fortresses Goes Green“, koja će, kao već etablirana međunarodna kulturna manifestacija, postati alat za promociju zelenih standarda i podizanje javne svijesti o principima održivog razvoja.  U Šibeniku je predviđeno ulaganje od 340 hiljada eura za uređenje tunela na Tvrđavi sv. Ivana, uključujući multimedijalnu instalaciju koja će posjetiocima pružiti osjetilno iskustvo boravka u podzemnom prostoru. Projekat takođe uključuje uvođenje sistema pametnog recikliranja i biokompostera, te ozelenjavanje platoa Tvrđave sv. Ivana, čime se dodatno doprinosi održivosti i atraktivnosti lokacije.” Izjavila je Kata Žganjer, voditeljica projekta GIFTSnet (Tvrđava kulture Šibenik).

Cilj projekta je doprinijeti unapređenju održivog i inkluzivnog razvoja kulturnog turizma u programskom području sprovođenjem ekološki prihvatljivih i održivih ulaganja na 7 kulturnih turističkih lokacija u Šibeniku, Karlovcu, Banjoj Luci, Trebinju, Baru i Ulcinju, razvojem društveno inkluzivnih turističkih ponuda na tim lokacijama, kao i izgradnjom kapaciteta prekograničnih aktera za održivi razvoj kulturnog turizma u programskom području.

Projekat GIFTSnet u okviru 1. poziva Interreg IPA programa donosi značajan doprinos razvoju turizma i kulture u Banjoj Luci. Nakon adaptacije, sanacije, opremanja, te uređenja vrtova u zelenu oazu koja povezuje dvije kule tvrđave Kastel, dobit ćemo cjeloviti prostor za nove sadržaje. Ovaj prostor uključivat će turistički info-centar, suvenirnicu, kafeteriju i zelenu oazu namijenjenu za kulturne i kreativne aktivnosti. Edukativne radionice dodatno će doprinijeti boljem i održivom razvoju te očuvanju kulturno-istorijskog nasljeđa.“ - naglasio je Mario Milanović, iz grada Banja Luke

“Projekat GITSnet finansira konzervatorske radove na BastionuGavodolla u dijelu koji se odnosi na bedeme, bastion, kazamat, stepenište i plato u Starom gradu Baru i nabavku mobilijara zaformiranje odmorišta za posjetioce na platou bastiona. U okviruprojekta će se finansirati i organizacija dva izdanja manifestacije"Noć tvrđava". GIFTSnet je četvrti EU projekat koji Opština Bar sprovodi u Starom gradu Baru, a koji finansira obnovu objekatakulturne baštine na ovom arheološkom lokalitetu. Ponosni smo nasaradnju sa partnerima na projektu koja traje od 2018-e godine kadasmo dogovarali prvi zajednički projekat FORTITUDE koji je bio jedan od najuspješnijih na Programu”, istakla je project koordinatorka projekta za Opštinu Bar, Ana Živanović. 

“Grad Karlovac kroz projekat GIFTSnet ima za cilj osmisliti noveturističke sadržaje vodeći računa o pristupačnosti i inkluziji osoba s invaliditetom kao i sačuvati i promovirati biodiverzitet kao važnepotencijale u osmišljavanju i unapređenju turističke ponude. Važandio aktivnost odnosi se na radionice osmišljavanja novih suvenira u kojima će sudjelovati udruge osoba s invaliditetom, zatimosmišljavanje, sađenje i održavanje cvjetne pasice (tzv. beetle bank). Zbog osiguranja pristupačnosti u atrij Starog grada Dubovcaosigrati ćemo scalamobil, te postaviti odašiljače koijma ćemosadržaje unutrašnjosti i okoline Starog Grada učiniti dostupnimasvim zaintereisanim korisnicima. Najzahtjevnija aktivnost u projektu za Grad Karlovac je uređenje unutrašnjosti Branič kuleStarog Grada Dubovca gdje ćemo nizom građevinskih i obrtničkihzahvata poboljšat ne samo izgled već i smanjiti potrošnju energenatakao i poboljšati sigurnost za posjetioce uvođenjem vatrodojave.” -izjavila je Nikolina Pahanić Lugar iz grada Karlovca.  

Projekat GIFTSnet posebno je značajan i za Muzej Hercegovine i Grad Trebinje zbog činjenice da je projekat usmjeren na održivi i inkluzivni razvoj kulturnog turizma kroz saradnju u partnerstvu nekoliko lokalnih zajednica iz tri zemlje.

Projekat će u Trebinju revitalizovati dvije lokacije u Starom gradu, biće urađena rekonstrukcija ljetne scene, kao i konzervatorski radovi u Muzeju Hercegovine, iznad arheoloških ostataka starijih građevina. Ostale projektne aktivnosti uključuju odgovarajuće digitalne interpretacijske sadržaje i primjenu modela inkluzije i saradnje i sa organizacijama koje okupljaju marginalizovane grupe, kao i pokretanje izrade i prodaje muzejskih suvenira.“ - izjavila je Ivana Grujić, Muzej Hercegovine (Trebinje).



Kroz planirano trajanje projekta, od 15.9.2024. do 14.3.2027., brojnim će se aktivnostima i sa snažnim naglaskom na prekograničnu saradnju raditi na području održivog kulturnog turizma uz nezaobilazno očuvanje tradicijske baštine. Od ukupnih 2.244.442,80 EUR, od čega je 1.907.776,38 EUR (85%) eura bespovratnih sredstava Evropske unije. 

Od navedenog iznosa 292.698,00 EUR odnosi se na Opštinu Ulcinj, od čega je 248.793,30 EUR bespovratnih sredstava EU. Projektni partneri su u sklopu događanja posjetili arheološki lokalitet Šas  na kojem će biti realizovane aktivnosti predviđene projektom za Opštinu Ulcinj. Drugog dana održana je zajednička konferencija za medije, na kojoj je predstavljen projekat.

Ulcinj, 10.12.2024.


This material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this material is the sole responsibility of Municipality of Ulcinj and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.





The municipality of Ulcinj is one of the partners in the project GIFTSnet - Network for Green and Inclusive Fortified Tourism Solutions, which is part of the Cross-border cooperation program Interreg IPA Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro 2021 - 2027. The project was officially presented today at a press conference in Ulcinj in the presence of all project partners.

"Through the GIFTSnet project, the total value of which is more than 2.2 million euros, where the amount of funding declared for the Municipality of Ulcinj is 292,698.00 euros , we are achieving an important cross-border cooperation. This project brings an exchange of knowledge and experiencesbetween partners from different countries and institutions, and I am particularly pleased that thiswill contribute to the improvement of the cultural and tourist offer of our municipality," said the vice-president of the Municipality of Ulcinj, Petar Delić.

The GIFTSnet project for the Municipality of Ulcinj will be implemented on the archaeological-historical complex and cultural property of the "Medieval City of Shas". The investment for this location is 170,000.00 euros, which will arrange the paths, install benches and trash cans. Then we will have workshops with children, as well as specialized tours for marginalized groups and visits by journalists. The Night of Fortresses "Goes Green" event for 2025 and 2026 has a special significance for the Municipality of Ulcinj and the location of Shas, as it will encourage sustainable development and contributionto the preservation of this important archaeological site.

The implementation of the project began in Ulcinj on December 9 and 10, 2024, and the Kick-off meeting and conference was held at the hotel Palata Venezia ,where the project partners were gathered to lay a solid foundation for further work on the project. In addition to the host, the event was attended by the leading partner from Croatia - JavnaustanovaFortress of Culture Šibenik, and the City of Karlovac, then Javnaustanova Mother Museum of Herzegovina Trebinje and the City of Banja Luka from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the Municipality of Bar from Montenegro.

Representatives of the Secretariat for Culture and the Center for Culture of the Municipality of Ulcinj who participated in the projects kick-off meeting, are potential collaborators in the implementation of the Night of Fortresses activity.

The GIFTSnet project was selected among only five funded projects out of a total of 56 projects under the specific objective 4.6. -Tourism and culture in the 1st call of the Interreg IPA Program.

" The GIFTSnet project is particularly significant for the Šibenik Fortress of Culture, because it is the largest approved project in which the institution is the leading partner. The project will encourage the sustainable and inclusive development of cultural tourism through green investments in Šibenik, Karlovac, Banja Luka, Trebinje, Bar and Ulcinj, and the establishment of a cross-border network of cultural tourism actors. The Night of Fortresses ”Goes Green" initiative is also being launched, which, as an already established international cultural event, will become a tool for promoting green standards and raising public awareness of the principles of sustainable development. In Šibenik, an investment of 340,000 euros is planned for the construction of the tunnel at the Fortress of St. Ivan, including a multimedia installation that will provide visitors with the sensory experience of being in an underground space. The project also includes the introduction of a smart recycling system, a bio composter, and the greening of the plateau of the Fortress of St. Ivan, which further contributes to the sustainability and attractiveness of the location", said Kata Žganjer, head of the GIFTSnet project (Fortress of culture Šibenik).

The goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the sustainable and inclusive development of cultural tourism in the program area by implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable investments at 7 cultural tourist locations in Šibenik, Karlovac, Banja Luka, Trebinje, Bar and Ulcinj, developing socially inclusive tourist offers at those locations, as well as by building the capacity of cross-border actors for the sustainable development of cultural tourism in the program area.

"The GIFTSnet project within the 1st call of the Interreg IPA program, makes a significant contribution to the development of tourism and culture in Banja Luka. After the adaptation, rehabilitation, furnishing, and arrangement of the gardens into a green oasis that connects  two towers of the Kastel fortress, we will have a complete space for new content. This area will include a tourist information centre, a souvenir shop, a cafeteria and a green oasis intended for cultural and creative activities. Educational workshops will additionally contribute to better and sustainable development and the preservation of cultural and historical heritage." - emphasized Mario Milanović, from the city of Banja Luka.

"The GITSnet project finances the conservation work on the Gavodolla Bastion in the part related to the ramparts, bastion, casemate, staircase and plateau in the Old Town of Bar and the procurement of furniture to form a rest area for visitors on the plateau of the bastion. Within the framework of the project, the organization will finance two editions of the "Fortress Night" event. GIFTSnet is the fourth EU project implemented by the Municipality of Bar in the Old Town of Bar, which finances the restoration of cultural heritage objects at this archaeological site. We are proud of the cooperation with the partners on the project, which has been going on since 2018, when we agreed on the first joint FORTITUDE project, which was one of the most successful projects in the Program", pointed out the project coordinator of the project for the Municipality of Bar, Ana Živanović.

"Through the GIFTSnet project, the city of Karlovac aims to create new tourist content, taking into account the accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities, as well as preservation and promotingbiodiversity as an important potential in designing as well as improving the tourist offer. Važandio'sactivity refers to workshops designing new souvenirs in which associations of people with disabilities will participate, then designing, planting and maintaining a flower banner (so-called beetle bank). In order to ensure accessibility to the atrium of the Old Town of Dubovc, we will play scalamobil and set up transmitters , with which we will make the contents of the interior and surroundings of the Old Town available to all interested users. The most demanding activity in the project for the City of Karlovac is the arrangement of the interior of Branič Kula in the Old Town of Dubovac, where we will improve not only the appearance, but also reduce energy consumption and improve safety for visitors by introducing a fire alarm, - said Nikolina Pahanić Lugar from the town of Karlovac.

The GIFTSnet project is particularly important for the Museum of Herzegovina and the City of Trebinje due to the fact that the project is aimed at the sustainable and inclusive development of cultural tourism through cooperation in partnership with several local communities from three countries.

"The project in Trebinje will revitalize two locations in the Old Town, the reconstruction of the summer scene will be carried out, as well as the conservation works in the Museum of Herzegovina, above the archaeological remains of older buildings." Other project activities include appropriate digital interpretation content and the application of models of inclusion and cooperation with organizations that bring together marginalized groups, as well as the initiation of the production and sale of museum souvenirs," said Ivana Grujić, Museum of Herzegovina (Trebinje).

Throughout the planned duration of the project, from September 15, 2024. until March 14, 2027, numerous activities will be carried out with a strong emphasis on cross-border cooperation in the field of sustainable cultural tourism with the inevitable preservation of traditional heritage. From the totalamount of  2,244,442.80 euros, EU grants are 1,907,776.38 euros (85%)

From the stated amount, 292,698.00 euros refers to the Municipality of Ulcinj, of which 248,793.30 are EU grants. As part of the event, the project partners visited the Šas archaeological site, where the activities foreseen by the project for the Municipality of Ulcinj will be implemented. On the second day, a joint press conference was held, where the project was presented.

Ulcinj, 10.12.2024.

This material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this material is the sole responsibility of Municipality of Ulcinj and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.